"Sorry, I don't talk to emos"

So I was online today, right? And I saw this person, they had cool poems and they seemed really nice so I sent them a message saying "Hey, I like your poems!" and she replied back something I wasn't expecting. "Sorry, I don't talk to emos" which caught me off guard. For one, I'm not emo. I've never cut EVER in my entire life, and two do people really sterotype like this?
Even if I did cut it doesn't make me a bad person. So it seems like a lot of people in life are like this. At least in mine, does this happen to anyone else but me? Who, and where are these people? Because somehow, I don't see them. This goes on my list of the rudest things I've heard anyone say to me, or just say in general. Of course, behind haha thing Michelle Bockman says.
Well anyway, I have to go to dinner, were going to be late for our reservation (see the last journal for more details) have a great day and I'll talk to you when I come back! Bye!
August 26th, 2011 at 12:44am