Why Lie? -_-


They are so full of shit I tell you. And who are you madly ranting about, you may ask? The guys I hang out with, that's who. My friend Robert told my friend Jheanell that our friend Daekweon (who happens to be my ex) kissed his girlfriend. I know, you're probably thinking: What the hell are you talking about? Well, let me tell you that me and Daekweon had and on and off kind of thing and the reason I broke up with him the last time was because he seemed to like Lydia (a.k.a Robert's girlfriend) and it was just a mess even after I talked to him about.

So when Jheanell (my best friend), is told by Robert to tell me and my friend Taylar about the incident we freaked out. We were all already on the phone hype (it was the first time I talked to them in two weeks since they were in Jamaica) and we couldn't believe it. I was already I.M-ing Daekweon and when I found out I was kind of pissed so I was giving him attitude during our conversation. In my head I'm thinking he liked her this whole time. Even when we were going out. Robert was "sad" and he sounded depressed. He said he was going to sleep. So me, Taylar, and Jheanell are all feeling bad for Robert. Like how could Daekweon do that?

We called Jordan, Taylar's boyfriend, my friend, whatever (Jheanell was sleep by this time). We wanted to know if he knew and after a while of skating around the subject Taylar just came out and said it. At first Jordan was acting confused he said he didn't know what we were talking about but when Taylar question him about a status he made that was very clear it was about the situation he told us he knew. Then he started defending Daekweon saying we shouldn't be mad at him. The only person who has a right to be mad is Robert. I'm getting angry by this time and so is Taylar. Then the situation of what was going on between Lydia and Daekweon before him and I broke up was brought into the conversation and it was just drama. When Taylar mentions that it was just like her and Jordan's previous situation (Jordan started dating Taylar's friend behind her back after they broke up), Jordan goes completely quiet.

After a few minutes we can hear Jordan talking to Robert and Daekweon saying how much he loves Taylar and I feel as though he ass kissing because I know he knows we can hear him. Well somehow the lines disconnect and Taylar calls me back and she's pissed. You know what she tells me?


Taylar connects the lines with me and Jordan and now Jordan is on our side and defending us because the assholes who lied want me and Taylar to apologize for believing it. They are ashamed that we would believe Daekweon would do such a thing.


Are you kidding me? Who do they think they are? The whole point of lying is so you are believed, duh!

Needless to say, we never apologized. I'm still kind of mad but apparently it's squashed. No more drama.

**I'm sorry if this was really long. You were warned though. And if you read the whole thing. which you probably didn't, thank you. I appreciate it.**
August 26th, 2011 at 01:59am