Dead End Hooker

Okay so I was in the car today, right? And we drive down the road a bit, and two streets from my house is a street called hooker road. And over the street sign, is a dead end sign. I thought this was pretty funny. I'll take a picture sometime to show you. I thought it was pretty funny.
So the first chapter of my new story On My Mind is up right now. I found a really nice person to make the layout (and thanks again by the way if you're reading this) and it looks great. If you get the chance to read it, I'd be glad because I've been working hard on it and it feels great to have the first chapter up and running, and ready for you to read. Don't worry, the second chapter is on it's way! If you read, I'd love comments on it, let me know what you like and what I could do to make my writing better so the story will be more enjoyable for you.
Something else, yesterday I told you about the guy I like coming over to my house last night after his power went out and my dad left for work (he works night shifts) well, I pretended our power went out too (but luckily it didn't) because then he'd ask to play videogames or something. I wanted to show him my favorite place out back where we could see the stars together. Well, after I turned off all of the electronics and he came, my plan worked! We both had flashlights and headed to the back, a way behind my house to this field like place. And there were so many stars, and I showed him constellations. And then the best thing happened. He kissed me! I was hoping that was going to happen and it did! No, were not a couple. I don't think we are at least, it was just a kiss. But it was pretty exciting and now I know he likes me too which makes it all ever better.
We managed to sneak him out before my dad got home, and he never found out. I'm planning on doing that again for sure. And for all of my mibba friends who read my journal about it, sorry there was no sex. You're out of luck....this time! Haha, no I'm only fifteen. I want to wait until at least sixteen, unless I change my mind.
Well thats all for now thanks for reading! Have a nice rest of your night! Goodbye!
August 26th, 2011 at 05:17am