I Need An Inspiration Partner. (Writers Needed!)

-Okay, so I am looking for someone that would want to help me with a new project of mine. I'm looking for a writer that has strong voice and idea's in their writing to collaborate with me on a story book-esque photo project. I would need someone to write a story that would inspire a photoshoot that would go along with the writing.

-The set up would be in book form but not interlacing stories. I would hope to be able to do a couple of these so that one of the 'Story Books' could have a vampire theme (or something) and other books with different subject matter. I'm up for dark stories, twisted stories, gore-y stories, real life stories, fairy tale stories, every day life stories, anything you can really think of, I would love to be able to do.

-I've started to try and do this myself, but since I'm not the most amazing writer, I would like to try this with someone that has actual talent. :) If you would like a mock up (with one of my photographs and one of my uh...stories :P) I wouldn't mind emailing one.

-It's something that I would like to start soon, but I need to find the right person that will be just as committed to this project as I am. Unfortunately, there will be no money paid for this, but if you're like me, creativity and art is not about the money.

-There is more information for this, but I would like to discuss this on a more private level.

If you are interested, or know some one that might be interested, then please message me or pass this along. I would love to get this started as soon as possible. Thanks! (:
August 26th, 2011 at 06:59am