Bipolar Much?

Oh mah cheese my parents are so f*cking bipolar it isn't even funny!

First my dad's all like "I saw this thing where you get paid to review books online. Now that you've got a laptop you can look into it if you want to. *insert more of his weird babbling here*"
So I get the dumb idea that I have a choice in the matter. Ha! Oh how dumb I am...

This morning my mom nags me(through TEXT MESSAGE) to look into it. Apparently I have no choice. All the while, both of them assume I know what the h*ll to do.

And all this time I wasn't even sure if I wanted to look into it, well after I get told to look into it I sure as h*ll don't wanna do it now!
And then, not even three minutes ago mom's all like "Don't actually do anything, just look. I think it may be a scam. But look so you can at least tell HIM that you looked." *nasally mocking voice*

Dear sweet Lord shoot me now. I never know what to expect to come from my mother. I mean really, really? You tell me after I've been looking for ten minutes?

And I'm getting annoyed with the cast of Jerseylicous. I think they try to be that stupid sometimes...

And normally in a journal I like to have a comment swap, but after this moring's fiasco I don't feel like it.No sh*t Sherlock...
But if you want me to read something, and I sure as h*ll ain't guaranteeing a comment, you can ask me to read something in the comment section below. Who knows, maybe I'll get to it.
August 26th, 2011 at 05:43pm