F*** My Wrist!!!

I hurt my wrist today playing volleyball and so now it hurts so f***ing bad!! It even hurts to type...but I need to write out my feelings. I hate having lunch on Fridays, because I have second lunch while all my friends have first lunch. So, I have lunch with Shawn, and no lunch with Becca. I forgot to take my medication today so I felt really depressed. It really sucked. I just couldn't wait for the day to be over and for it to be the weekend. I really hope that my wrist doesn't effect my drumming. That would suck if it did.

Now I can't wait until next Sunday!!! Wanna know why?!?! Because I'm going to a f***ing My Chemical Romance concert in Colorado that day!!! YUSH!!!! My first My Chemical Romance concert! AND IT WILL BE EPIC!!! Even though my brother got freaking lawn seats... Oh well! At least I'll see them. And, hopefully, Becca will be coming with me! I really hope so... It would be so much more fun with her there! Well, I guess that's all for today! Bye guys!

<3 Crystal
August 26th, 2011 at 11:43pm