Dir En Grey concert was amazing! Recorded a video to show you all :3 Still in Finland~

So before I get into other stuff, I'm still in Finland at the moment~

And the Dir En Grey concert was...well...there's no words to describe it...but if I had to choose I would pick...




I think it was the best...I mean I've been to other concerts but I dunno it's been a while since I have been to one...but either way, it was awesome.

I don't have any pictures on my laptop atm but I do have a video that I recorded on my phone :O Uploaded just for you guys :3

Again, on my phone so sorry for the crap quality >.< and btw that was my friend screaming near the end ever so loudly right in my ear -.- It's ok though...it's dir en grey so I forgive..xD

Ah, sometimes it seems like Kyo sounds better live then when recording in studio! and the rumours of him loosing his voice, not true at all. his voice is as good as it gets. Well at least it sounded like it~!

I'll try to get some pictures to show you all later :3


So other than thaaat....Nothing special o.o I haven't been on in a while, I'm sorry >.< Still might not come online now for a while :c

Not until I get back home most likely >.< But yea gonna go do some exploring for the remained of my time here, will post pictures of some of that too :3 Finland is very beautiful~

I leave in about a week I think...So yea D: I'll miss it <3 Not coming back for a while >.< Next summer I'm probably going to Japan instead....

But anyways I doubt you wanna hear my rambling xD

Just wanted to give a little update so it doesn't seem like I disappeared~

I hope everyone else is doing fine :D I miss you all, really I do! Talk to everyone when I get the chance, or leave me messages, comments, and what not to come back to..that would be nice x3

August 27th, 2011 at 10:40pm