Hurricane Irene.

Honestly I am about to lose my fucking mind.

Since I live on the east coast, Delaware to be exact, Irene is going to pay us a visit too. They've been saying a tornado is coming. Floods, the works. I've been wondering since we got the after shock of the earthquake if California would get a blizzard? But anyway I need more music for my ipod since some of my friends are saying which they heard from the news that if our power goes out it could be out for weeks. Which is pretty bad and would make me freak out. So any song suggestions. And for my fellow east coast friends that are reading this I hope you guys stay safe.

I also found my day pretty ironic, since this morning I was watching Me, Myself and Irene. I seriously laughed really hard at that. On top of that my dad and me were watching the storm on our front porch being the rebels we were and a tiny bird was being blown away in the wind and it hit my dad in the face then landed on me. Seriously screamed bloody murder and threw the poor little guy. But he's okay now. To add onto my sorta do nothing day, my boyfriend well he's sorta my boyfriend, I'll just say it's complicated is mad at me. I honestly have no idea what I did and he won't tell me. So I said I was sorry for whatever I did or didn't do but it's whatever I guess.

Right now I'm bored. So I have questions listed below, Since the coolest thing right now is watching paint dry. I'm not doing that just wanted to put that there.

So, while my power is still on, knock on wood. Any stories that should be read?
Good music to add to my ipod?
How was your day?
August 28th, 2011 at 02:05am