Overused Plots and Underused Orginality

It's becoming harder and harder to find original fiction anywhere. There's a ton of people who write the same repetitive plot or use the same romanced ideas of other previous authors (such as Meyers). And I'm not saying there aren't exceptions to the rule, but the exceptions are rare.

Also, I'll admit I do fall into the same scenario of boy meets girl highschool storylines. But still! I don't usally have those stories in the public. Wheres the new stuff? Or everything going to be stuck as redundant? It's just tiring when I have to go through around 20 stories a day to find one decent one.

Another thing, fan fics are great if you add something New and not just have the same boy meets girl and its first love and all that "fun" jazz. Sorry, in my opinion, it gets boring quick. Again, the plot is redundant and a new twist is desperately needed.

Somehow, I feel like I'm always searching through a desert in order to find one simple drop of water when I should be drowning.
August 28th, 2011 at 07:32am