So0o0o0o hiiIIIIiiiigghhh~~~~

~~~~C r y s t a l l i z e d.

I wish.

- F-ck when people chew with their mouths open. Especially when you're a guest at someone's house? It's rude and disgusting.
Sick mofo.

- This weather (f-cking Irene) is cuddling & movie watching weather. But I have no movies or cuddle buddies. ;( So, "sux 2 b mi." But not really. I just need something to do.

I hate feeling lazy. Like, not doing anything - whether it be productive or not.

It doesn't bore me, it just makes me feel sh-tty.

But what is there to do when a few major intersections have been blocked by fallen tree branches, the winds are bad (but dying down), and it's raining? No one wants to drive & the MBTA has been shut down. No way I'm walking anywhere.

UGH Irene, suck it.
August 28th, 2011 at 05:41pm