Black Lace Readers (sneak preview inside, click to read)!

I just really want to thank you all so much for all the support you have given me since I posted the first chapter. I don't get many comments on the story but I know that people are reading. If the ten stars aren't any sign enough, I don't know what it is.

As a treat, I've decided to give you a sneak preview of a scene that will happen in a couple chapters or so. As you know my head is always somewhere farther in the story than it is as far as the story is already. I'm not sure if that makes since.

But basically my head is somewhere in the future of the story even though I haven't written any of that stuff down yet. I guess it could be a good thing.

Anyway here is your sneak preview. I hope you like it. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think.

I've never been one to care much about the girls that I've been with. Regardless if it was just for one night or for many nights in a month. I've just saw them all as prizes to be won. Someone to lay into for a couple hours, not really for satisfaction but because I knew I could have them. Because I knew that they wanted to be with me in that way.

I never really thought about being with anyone, even for a week let alone a day. Someone I could truly care about and want to be with no matter the circumstances. That it didn't have to always be about sex or getting something in return like drugs or another notch up in my reputation.

For the first time today it occurred to me that I could have a better life. I could have someone to care about. Have someone to bring home to my parents and them not be so judgmental about it. I could have Alison.

What made me realize this you may be wondering? And why now?

Today, I've held her as she cried. Today, I felt her body wracking sobs as she clung to me. Albeit she was a bit hesitant when I first came in the room but I honestly think I could used to being here for her. Whether she'll have me or not. I want to be here for her. For the first time, I want to care for someone. To care for Alison.


Oh if you're just now reading this and not knowing what the hell is going on. You should probably go read the story. It'd be weird if you were reading this without reading the story in the first place. But I wouldn't mind it.

Black Lace
August 29th, 2011 at 02:12am