Helen Keller and My Kinda Boyfriend...My Dog Is An Attention ***...Even Though He's A Male.

So, I'm sitting here, and I'm thinking. God, do I really have no life? I mean this is what I do all day. Go to work, come home, play scattagories with my grandma at her house after picking up my brother from the bus, read twilight(which i've read 7 times since I was in 8th grade), play the wii fit, eat, talk to my dog and piss, and recently just started doing this mibba thing which is taking place of twilight. That's it. I don't go visit friends, go to school. Nothing. Sometimes I don't even deposit my check from work. I just started working at pizza hut and let me tell you, tips are great. If anybody doesn't like being on waitstuff, you're off your fucking nuts, it's like the fucking greatest thing since sliced bread.

Is it just me or am I crazy? I mean I love my life don't get me wrong, it's great, but shouldn't I be striving for more than just doing that? Come on I'm a smart individual...kinda...I can't even decide on a major cuz I'm so lazy doing my own thing that I don't even want to think about it.

Whiskey, he's a crazy thing, he's my baby, but I think he only likes me when we're by ourselves, if there is other people in the house he is automatically attracted to the new person and forgets all about me.

I should start a vblog. I like to rant.


I need to tell everyone something that...will really knock socks off.
My kinda boyfriend called me today! YAY! He's in basic training for the U.S. Air Force! I haven't seen him in like...a month. It's fucking...killing me and he called me! It feels like...forever since he's been gone and I really miss him. The reasoning behind him being my kinda boyfriend is because we met each other two weeks before him leaving for basic and there was an absolute instant attraction there...he is like the pea in my fucking pod. Peas and carrots, either way he's a pea and um...in the first one he's inside me and the other...beside me!(: sorry, neither anology is true at the moment because he is in basic and I'm here...missing the muthafucka.But, mostly he is only my kinda boyfriend, because he didn't want to ask me to be his girlfriend until after he got home.

Well...that's all I really got for today. Basically did the same shit, except I didn't have to work so I went to olive garden with my family including my nana, papa, aunt and cousin. it was great except for the part where my dad only agreed to go if i paid half of the ticket...so it was like...31 dollars with the 5 bucks in gratuity! I would have...rather paid a 5 dollar tip, i mean i know its the same thing but i'd rather not see that huge number for just me and my sister...we're not like fucking pigs or anything we just really like fried ravioli and zucchini for the appetizer and some soup and salad. It's like "do you want me to chop off my balls for you, just so i can eat?"

and an hour to sit down, they should pay like minimum wage for just waiting! my god! we went on the wrong day at the wrong time...as soon as everyone gets out of church, which we didn't do, because we were too fucking lazy since we don't go to sleep till three in the morning writing stories or watching fucking tv that will soon enough make us go fat, create diabetes, and go blind and deaf and we'll all be like helen keller. how did she even write? it was crazy! it's not like she could talk cuz...how do people learn when they are deaf AND blind? i would really like to know, that shit could save someone's life. did helen keller like create her own language and somebody just really intelligent translated it, and in reality it's their thoughts and not hers and we just praise her? idk, don't get me wrong, i'm not trying to down helen keller at all...but just think about it...

YEAH! well. goodbye now!
August 29th, 2011 at 02:27am