About my writing...

I typed a journal and it deleted itself.
Basically I talked about my story, VERSTEHEN, and how Scarlett is too much like me so I'm having a hard time progressing her story because me and her are actually in the same boat at this point.
Well. Minus Slendy. I see him a lot, truth be told, especially driving late at night, but he's never kidnapped me.
But anyway.
I'm also writing a sequel to I'm Obsessed With Serial Killers but it's about Lily after the conclusion of the first story. I won't spoil it by going into too much detail, but just so you know, it'll deal with a different area of subject matter.
Lily isn't going to become a killer or anything. She's just going to become a confused drug addict.

On another note I hung out with Colton today and it was really fun. I'm glad I got to see him again, especially since I seem to have lost most of my old friends when I graduated. So I'm really happy I made the effort to text him once in a while over the summer (even if he was on vacation for most of it).

And you don't know who Colton is or what significance he has to me, but you don't need to. You can replace his name with that of your own friend, so that way me and you can relate about something. It doesn't even matter if Colton and your friend are anything alike, it's the illusion of connection that counts here.

So go on, try it out and let me know how it works!

With that I am off. Goodnight.
August 29th, 2011 at 09:12am