What does it feel like?

My legs when I run, can move so fast. I remember running with my class one time, and just moving, and my mind was racing, but my legs didn’t stop. I ran ahead of everyone, and I finished before them, and I couldn’t breathe. I had to sit down, and try to take deep breaths. My lungs were burning because they couldn’t handle the strain, and I hadn’t noticed that while I was running. But when I stopped moving, it felt like I was dying. I had no more to give. I guess that’s what it feels like. You can go years running, and feeling free, but once something knocks you down, you feel all of the weight that you were running from come back to you. And it crushes you, it buries you alive, and you can’t do anything. No matter how much you want to. There’s no escaping the pain that you feel. That’s what it feels like. It feels like pain. It feels like your heart is bleeding, bursting, and caving in on itself at the same time.

It hurts. And I was running, I was free, and then that night I lost everything that I had, or that I thought I had. He took it from me. And I’m broken because of it. And I can’t breathe. My whole body is collapsing from the lack of oxygen, and pretty soon I won’t be able to wake up. What does it feel like? What does happiness feel like? I was so small, and fragile and all I remember thinking is how amazing it all was. My life was good, I didn’t care about anything except school the next day. But he stole me. He broke me. I’m torn, wounded, I’ve been stitched up but the stitches are all falling out. There’s too much strain, too much pressure. Eventually I’m going burst.
August 29th, 2011 at 01:25pm