New Begginings , New Stories , New Lives !

OKAY . SOOO i have deleted my older stories ! Sorry : /
BUUUUTTT I am making new stories ! New characters , all that
biz ! Lol sooo yeahh , please read , comment & help me ! Give me suggestions ? <3'
Sooo since this has to be 100 words long , I must add ? Hmmmm . Well , is there anything
in particular some people might want more of in my stories ? Uhm , i try my best to keep
people entertained ? Hmm ? Lol i stutter alot . Even in my thoughts & ponders . Hahaha .
Well , hit me up , whatever you gotta do to get in contact with me just please let me know .
Peace Out :D
August 29th, 2011 at 06:21pm