All things this and that

Hmm, so I turned 30 today and have felt no major changes. I got the usual stuff and spent it with the usual people so... yeah... nothing has changed. Mind you, being on antibiotics has killed the desire to party so here I am online.

I don't really want to write either, no inspiration there. Instead I am writing this with thoughts to see where it gets me.

My carer handed in her notice the other day which instead of psetting me filed me with releif and dare I say it? Even joy! She point blank refused to do what she is paid to do (well part of it) and blamed me for it, saying I lacked compassion. She is paid £100 a day to work, she can't expect to do nothing for the money. I would have had to sack her which meant a headache of finding emergency care but she saved me from that by handing in notice... phew!

So interviews to come, I hate that part I really do.. ugh!

Still, I am having my hair done tomorrow so, woo! Black and red in the style Jared Leto has in the from yesterday video. Hope it turns out well or I will look a little daft for weeks!
July 1st, 2007 at 09:28pm