Uproar Festival

I came to talk to you about the Uproar Festival. I am so excited! * insert fangirl sqeal here* Avenged Sevenfold (they will be the closing act) Three Days Grace, Seether, Bullet for my Valentine and Ecape the Fate are gonna be on the Uproar tour till late Oct. I love 4 out of five bands. August 31st will be my favorite day from now on. Tomorrow, I will finally become part of the Avenged Sevenfold family. YEAH! ^^ I can't wait! I've been talking about it non-stop ever since I got my tickets. I think my sister and parents and starting to go crazy cause I talk about it non-stop. This will be the greatest day EVER in my entire life. I'm so happy. I'm probably the youngest kid to ever like A7X. I don't know. I'm probably not. Well, wish me luck guys. Let's hope I don't get really nervous and start suttering. This is iMusic-Freak signing off. Back to you, Bill.

R.I.P. Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan. You will be foREVer in our hearts. <3
August 30th, 2011 at 02:20pm