Bad News

I dont know what to do sometimes.. Its like there is always going to be this struggle i have with myself.. I found out my moms cancer may be back and I honestly dont know how to handle it.. shes strong yes but me... Not so much.. I have this tendency to handle other peoples pain for them.. I dont know.. Maybe i need to not do that... But after doing it for years, how does one stop? I often think about what life would be like without my mom, but after 29 years... i dont think that is something i would be able to handle.. I take myself as being alone in ways.. Im single have no children and only have my best friends to comfort me.. but sometimes.. its not enough.. i need that FAMILY.. I fear my mom will be gone and she will never get a chance to meet the family i one day will create..
August 30th, 2011 at 07:31pm