I really need a f*cking life. (To those of you who remember me...)

I'm constantly bored and I don't have anyone to do anything with. Not anymore, at least. I'm back to relying on the Internet to keep me entertained, but I know that won't last long.

If anyone wants to talk, add me and we'll talk. I greatly lack social skills and I'm a boring f*ck, but I'm growing desperate. I'm not even exaggerating when I say that, for a month now, I've done nothing. And I mean nothing.

I'm working on finding a job, but it's hard for ANYONE to find a job right now, especially if you have no more than a sophomore in high school's education. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I'm smart. I may not seem it, but I am. I dropped out of high school before I could even step foot into that building to begin my junior year, though. So, it's my own fault if even the most desperate place won't hire me. I'm looking to finish classes online, though.

But, seriously, I need friends. I promise you, if you do end up adding me and wanting to talk, I'm not going to b*tch. I don't do that. Only in journals. ;)


To those of you who remember me: hi. :) Let's talk and reunite.

To those of you who don't remember me (or never knew me in the first place): hi. Let's talk and unite. I'm a good person, I promise, and I'm not as idiotic and rude and lazy as this journal makes me seem. Not all of the time, at least.


Why is it that Dujo gets umpteen journals about his return but I get none?! HMM!?!!??

Just kidding. ;)

August 30th, 2011 at 09:18pm