There's always that one guy...

That you never think about.

So no, this will not be a mindless rant about "the one guy who I can't stop thinking of". No; this will be as classy and elegant as I can possibly make it. Which isn't going to be much, because I can't pull of being smooth for shit.

There's always a guy who you find to be the perfect best friend, but never think of him romatically. He's never nearly on your mind as the guy who you complain and hurt over. The guy knows how to calm you down when your upset, or can make you laugh when your in the deepiest, most depressing hole ever, or who can restrain you simply with words from going out and killing the girl who stole your boyfriend. I like to call this guy Perfect, but no one realizes he is, until he's gone.

Are you all still following me? Good. I know we've all experianced this guy at least once in our lives, even if he's never been your best friend.

For me, this guy is Ford. I met him over a week long LeadAmerica confrence. He was simply adorable; one of popular kids but still cares about what the loners (aka me) think and feel. Towards the end we started getting closer and I realized this was essentially my "Perfect" guy. Just being close to him calmed me down about anything I had been stressing about, and he didn't know that. Just him talking to me wanted to make me smile, and I had to fend of several strong urges just lay my head on his shoulder and fall asleep-maybe that's because the guest speakers were so damn boring, or maybe because he was so cuddly.

I'm sure all of this would have you thinking I have feelings for him, but I don't. Well, didn't. Not until the confrence was over, even though we kept in touch through texts. I hardly ever thought of him unless he was around, and instead my thoughts were about the guys I'd meet in highschool-would I find "the one"? Yeah, school girl things like that (which I haven't, just so you know. That was a big let down).

This wasn't smooth at all, wasn't? Definately not elegant. But that's just how I roll. I do what I do. And now I'm rambling.

What the whole point of this was to tell you to leave comments on your "Perfect" guy bellow, I'd love to know someone else's story. Or just comment randomly telling me how much you're in love with eyeliner. Either way.

August 31st, 2011 at 03:28am