Rest Easy Benoit...=[

Okay, so I'm sure not a lot of Mibbians are WWE or ECW fans or whatever, but one of the greatest wrestlers evar (Chris Benoit) is kinda...dead.
Yeah...and I was really upset about it so I thought I'd whine about it on mibba...=]
So...lyke...they found him dead in his home (he hung himself supposedly) and his wife and his son were found dead, too...
Which kind of depresses me a lot because Benoit must've been going through some serious shyt for the past few weeks (he went a little crazeh obviously...) and no one even fricken noticed.
How could a guy be calm and normal all through a week and then go home and kill his family? He must've been showing SOME signs that there was a problem.
I just don't understand how no one at WWE could have noticed something was wrong. He has a past of being REALLY paranoid, once it got so bad that he wouldn't even let his wife out of the house, and they said it was starting to come back.
But no one even said anything?
I'm mad. I loved mah Benoit. =[
Frick, I wish I could swear, but mibba is acting REALLY ghey lately. >.<

And someone is setting off these FLIPPIN' fireworks outside.
Can't they wait until July 4th?
Gawd I hate people (not really, but I'm mad).
July 2nd, 2007 at 04:20am