I believed

I believed IT. I believed HIM. I believed ANOTHER person. It's all the SAME. NOTHING CHANGES,everyone is after the same thing! WHERE do we FIND people like these who only are put in this earth to BREAK US DOWN then TRY 2 come BACK right back to us when there LONELY ! WHEN can we find a person who CARES,UNDERSTANDS,and will always be THERE when we need them most ! Oh RIGHT i met that person but i GAVE IT UP for a person who DOESN'T understands,care, and won't be there when u need them MOST.The best way to say the way i feel is BROKEN or should i say shredded in little papers in a paper shredder.Being thrown away like its nothing and our thoughts don't mean a thing to them. Its real easy to throw something away but hard to get it back.Now i lay here thinking in my head with music in my ears listening to music that helps me understand the world and its people in different ways ! I'll realize one day what i really want in LIFE but for now im still young and have plenty of more years to come. Maybe later on i will find it and i'll think back and read this and think ''wow i was right i found him i always knew that someday i would ''.LIFE IS LIFE WHATEVER HAPPENS IS MENT TO HAPPEN AND WHEN IT DOES DON'T REGRET ANYTHING!When i get older i want to have a moment where i think back and say ''that was the past this is the present and later this is the future my future .Whatever comes my way i'll just have to deal with it don't regret.One thing that will change about me is the way i think about boys,guys and men because one day i will find him.he will be mine and wont shred me into tiny pieces and leave me ripped up with no one to tape me back together ! I will find him and wont feel......

BROKEN but full !!...<3
September 1st, 2011 at 05:19am