I have this ridiculous need to gush right now.

Well, apparently I'm going to Irish Fest this weekend. Which I'm only ok with because he'll be there.

I don't like concerts. I don't like a lot of loud noise. I don't like crowds. I don't like being around tons of strangers. I don't even know if I like Irish music or not. But that's what I'm doing on Sunday.

Sunday night is the night the college small group meets. However, this weekend is Labor Day weekend. And Irish Fest. I knew he was going to Irish Fest because he told me last Sunday after church. So when the small group leader sent around a FB message asking who all was going to be available still considering the holiday, I knew he'd say he wouldn't be there. What I wasn't expecting was that one of the other guys in the small group would be excited about Irish Fest as well. So that was two people out of a group that at most has 7 or 8 people. It's not a huge group, so losing two for a week kinda puts a damper on things. So the leader suggested we all go to Irish Fest instead of having our regular meeting.

You have no idea how glad I am that she suggested it so I didn't have to. Because ok. I'm pretty sure this guy likes me. And I'm pretty sure he at least has an idea that I like him. But whether he has a clue or not, I'm paranoid about being clingy or creepy. So I had the idea that we could all just go, but I didn't want it to be awkward if I suggested it (overthinking, I know). So I'm really glad she suggested it instead of me.

So. That's why I'm going to a concert. With music I'm not sure I like (though my music taste is so varied I'll probably like it). And I will be surrounded by lots of people I don't know.
But I'm going anyway because he'll be there too, and I know he's excited about it. Don't know if he'll even hang out with the small group once there or not, since he was planning on going before we all jumped on board, but we'll see.

SO EXCITED. Because he's actually started showing some signs of being interested. Well, moreso than before.

Last Friday, my church had a worship night. He was playing bass on worship team, and I was going to stay after for a bit to talk to him. Well, I chickened out and left while he was still helping pack up instruments and whatnot. I was so mad at myself as soon as I walked out the door, because the farther away from church I got, the more I felt stupid for leaving.
Sunday came around and I stayed for both services. I normally go to first service, and he goes to second. So I stayed for second and sat with a friend and the other guy from small group. After service he walks up (not far, we ended up sitting at opposite ends of the same row) and says hi, and then he proceeds to tell me that he kept trying to come say hi on Friday night but just as he was going to, they started worship.

I have been spazzing about that one sentence all week. Because he was trying to talk to me. And he actually told me this. Which means he WANTS to talk to me, and he wants me to know he wants to talk to me.

I am completely ok with this.
And I'm ridiculously happy about it.

Also, the FB communication barrier has been broken. I posted a video of a band he mentioned last Sunday and I tagged him (my way of saying "Hey, I paid attention, even if I said something stupid and didn't act excited like I should have.") So. That's taken care of. I don't think he's on FB hardly at all, so the fact that he commented on not only that link, but also a status, a picture, and he liked another status... I'm pretty happy right now.
September 1st, 2011 at 05:53am