Serial killers aren't the only one that gets to say these words.

I'm baaaaaack.

Yo. How're you? I've been gone for a week or two, being incredibly lazy and stuck in an almost endless depression that led me to dig around for food at night and stare blankly at a surprisingly big TV screen, watching episodes of the first season of Supernatural and Drop Dead Diva in a random order.


Ahem. So... unprofessional... anyways.

I'm going to go catch up on anime, manga, stories, contest, comment swap, and move my stuff from the PC into my USB so when mom sells this computer, I won't be crying tears of regret. c: Won't be getting any exercise except but mopping, wiping, vacuuming, dusting, folding, hanging, and *twitch* --ing.

Q u e s t i o n s
1. How're you?
2. Have you started school yet? How is it?
3. Any regrets this summer vacation? (Or whatever you spent without school.)
4. Favorite song at this current time?
5. Your reaction to the approach of a very, very big bear.
6. Do you find it odd that I would love to wear boxers one day?
7. If you had a chance at reincarnation, what would you like to be?
8. Your reaction to find out that your closest friend was those eyes you felt at night.
9. Thoughts on these questions?
10. Have a very pleasant night/day. <3

That is all.

I get tired from sleeping all day.
you die now, On Demand.

September 1st, 2011 at 11:59pm