Keyboarding home row?

What the hell is the deal with home row? I mean really, I'm taking a college level keyboarding class and my words per minute is 55, I never look at my fingers (unless it's a word or phrase that I rarely use) and I only had like 5 errors.
I've never used home row and I do just fine! But my keyboarding teacher is all "use home row!" However, I read an article that stated that home row should have never even been invented because, quick, look at your keyboard and look at home row, how many words can you make with just those 8 letters? Fad, sad, lad, I think that's it. How efficient! I'll never have to move my fingers endlessly around the keyboard!
Oh, wait, no, I guess it would be better if we put E, the most used letter in the English language there instead of semicolon. No one even knows how to use a goddamn semicolon right anyways! Even I don't! I just used it to look smart, I need the ego boost dammit!
I'm so sick of spelling lines like a; sl dk fj fj dk sl a;. What the FUCK will I do with that? I guess that exercise would be great if I actually used the goddamn, inefficient home row!
And what's the deal with not making errors, that's why there's a backspace. I get that there should be a certain error-free rate. Bu the take off two points off my WPM just for one damned mistake!?

And don't get me started on cursive! Okay, too late. They finally stopped teaching it in my local schools, yay! I hate hate hate cursive. Have you written anything other than your name in cursive since, I dunno, maybe middle school? Probably not. You know why? Because it's faster and more efficient to type on computers. Think about it, you probably write much faster in print than cursive and type faster than you can print.


I'm the only girl in my computer programming program in college which is fine with me because I don't even really like women. Okay, that's not entirely true. I can stand a few girls and I'll talk to them, but I'd rather have guys as lifelong friends. Why? Because women are so conniving and passive-aggressive, I can't stand it! Men are blunt and don't usually lie to you unless it's something sensitive and they know you can kick their ass and sometimes they do it anyways.

On the downside, I feel like I have to feel like I have to prove myself, which I've utterly failed in. I don't know anything about actually programming, but I know the hardware, I mean, my friend and I made a custom-built desktop. Well, he did most of the work, but I really paid attention, I swear! I feel so damn stupid in that class, though.
And there's this one guy in my class named Radney, Yes, Radney, not Rodney. I made the mistake of calling him Rodney. Okay, he didn't get mad. But he seems pretty nice and he made Archer references (if you don't know what that show is, go look it up, now).
Did you look it up? Okay then, but you probably didn't. It's a great show anyways.
I mean, I really wanted to get a boyfriend in college, but I'm damn awkward. I mean, how do I show my awesome and clever wit and charm and humor?
It's a huge complex I have about my body spanning from five years. My best friend who I thought that if anyone could love me, it would be him, but whatever. I spent five years of my life trying so hard to be there for him and what do I get? Not even a chance and then he goes out with a damn 8th grader! I mean, he's nineteen, what does he need a 14 year old for? Oh right, because she's easy and won't ever care about him as much as I did. I mean seriously, she'd had 3 pregnancy scares that I confirmed from a friend. Even when I lost like 40 pounds when I could eat and I was starting to look noticeably thinner, he didn't really care. But whatever. And then I started liking this guy who was super nice to me and even treated me like a girl. Except that he was super popular with girls. And I mean, even though I told myself I wouldn't begin to seriously like him, he was just someone to take my mind off my best friend. But whatever, long story short, scumbag brain liked him anyways. Nothing came of it, as I thought.
I guess that whole arc was put into my story Reaching You and the best friend was Laine (but the sex proposition thing didn't happen, of course) and Haven was the guy I kind of started liking. I kind of hoped he would have been my real life Haven. But oh well.

It's not like I'm crazy. I don't get jealous unless I actually have a right to. I see all these super insane girls would text their boyfriends every second, make them stop talking to their friends that are girls and need to know where they are every second and what their doing. I mean really? Do guys like crazy?

I think I've ranted enough, though. You guys are probably sick of me. How did this start with talking about home row? But, then again, it feels good to get all that off my chest.
September 2nd, 2011 at 04:06am