WHY have I not read Harry Potter before now????

So, It's been about three weeks since I've started reading HP, and I've just finished The Prisoner of Azkaban. I am SO freakin clad my aunt made me read them. I love the way J.K Rowling writes: not childish, but they're quick reads. I've always liked the idea of Harry Potter, I've seen the movies except for either part of the Deathly Hallows, (but not in order) but the books (so far) are SO much better. And, I'm glad I'm actually reading. I want to become a better writer, but I do not read often at all, so my writing sucks, but I've found the Harry Potter hasn't failed to keep my interest through the whole book. I tried reading The Guardians of Ga'hoole and got through the first book and a half, but I quit reading them for some reason. I was afraid I'd do the same with Harry Potter, but I'm already on the fourth book, which is a VERY good sign I'll actually finish the series. And now, I want a pet owl and name it Hedwig. And maybe a Whomping Willow in my yard... If only I had a yard (I live in an apartment). Sadface. So yeah, I'm hooked on HP, SOOOO glad I'm reading them. And my mom keeps scaring me saying "Wait till you read the last part of the last book. You'll probably pee your pants." OMG the anticipation is KILLING me! AND NO SPOILERS!!!!! Please. I want J.K Rowling to tell me, not you. >:(

Ciao for now, my lovelies.
September 2nd, 2011 at 05:08am