
Have you ever felt like you are always under a microscope, being watched so people can find your weakness's and use them against you, like people are judging you every time they see you?

That's how I feel every time I go to school! I try my hardest to ignore it, but it gets to me, I'm belittled at school, and I know I don't deserve that!

My life before school was shit already why must I go through more misery!

I don't know what to do anymore and everyone is just making me pissed off except a select few, but maybe that's the anti-social in me!

Its only the first day back to school, and I already feel myself slipping into insanity, so its going to be a long year!

Why must people be judgmental, of the people around them, especially those around them that are different! I push boundaries, and I act and look different then most people in my school, does that make me any less smart then the rest of them? does it make me a bitch? does it make me a freak? Does it make me worthless because of who I am?

The whole point of life is to be different and not follow people and to try different things, but whats the point when all that is happening is ignorance? Why are we told to be our own person, when most of us follow someone like lemmings? Why are we told its okay to be original, when we get judged and bullied because we try to be? What makes it fair to the ones who try to be different , that they get judged, and the ones who follow the crowd aren't?

I'm not saying that everyone should judge one another! That's not right, but if you are going to judge someone for the way they act, dress, talk or anything like that please keep your comments to your self, cause you don't know how bad your hurting the person inside when you talk shit!

Next on my agenda is getting someone's beliefs pushed on me!

I don't believe in god, I'm agnostic, and I don't have a problem if someone does believe in god!

I'm not going to be a very happy camper if you attempt to convert me cause for one my whole life has sucked ass anyways, and I have to deal with the constant flow of painful memories through my mind, so of course I'm not going to firmly believe there is a god! I wish people would try and find out maybe the reason why I don't believe instead of judging me for it!

On a lighter not I have questions!:

1. Do you at all agree with what I'm saying, like I want to know if I'm just stupid or not?
2. Have you ever been judged
3. Has someone ever forced their beliefs on to you?
4. Have you started school yet? If so how is it?
5.How was your day?
September 2nd, 2011 at 05:27am