The Seven Things I HATE about Sunny!

There is this girl, her name is Sunny. Sunny told me to write the 7 things I hate about her in a journal so I'm going to.

7 things I hate about Sunny:
1. Sunny lives way to far away.
How am I supposed to visit you when you live so far away?!

2. Sunny isn't on-line nearly enough!
Isn't that weird! Sunny actually has a life and isn't glued to her computer like I am! Then I'm all I want to talk to Sunny but she is all off doing fancy Sunny things like buying dresses.

3. Sunny seems way more classy then I am.
Sunny actually wears dresses, and I can secretly see her throwing high class tea parties. With finger sandwiches and imported tea from some far away place. At these tea parties she wears big fluffy dresses and talks with a British accent.

4. I secretly find myself feeling less superior to Sunny.
I decided that I was the queen of the world on January 7th 2011. But like Sunny, being her fancy self, seems like she is the queen! Or my Internet mom! Maybe she was the former queen.....yeah maybe that's it.

5. Sunny is a fabulous writer.
Sunny is a better writer then me! That just isn't cool! Like her skills are just magnificent! She is like the Shakespeare and I'm like Stephanie Meyer! (I apologize to all the Stephanie Meyer fans)

6. I have a hard time finding things I hate about Sunny!
She is just so likable! Which brings me to my number 7!

7. Sunny is just a really likable person!
I mean even sometimes I am hated by people! I know its hard to believe but it's true! She is just super likable!

NOW for the 7 things I LOVE about Sunny

1. She is really nice!

2. We first met when I commented "Oh Shit" on one of her stories and she had to clarify that It was a good "Oh Shit"

3. Sunber day! November 7th. A combination of our birthdays.

4. Our Child Jared. C-C[=SDJ

5. She is an amazing writer. With skills beyond belief!

6. She makes me laugh on a regular basis.

7. She is AMAZINGLY AWESOME BEAUTIFUL FUN AND SUPER CREATIVE! I love writing with her and am VERY glad that we a friends.
September 3rd, 2011 at 04:20am