Venting about Jobs.

So this is my first journal entry and I had no idea what I wanted to write about, so I thought I would just vent about things that are really bugging me at the moment.
I'm 17 and I don't have a job because THERE AREN'T ANY! I'm at college full time Monday to Friday so really I can only work weekends. What happened to Saturday jobs? Do they not exist anymore? No matter how much I search, every company wants either full time or part time work which I just cannot do. Also, being 17 i'm not allowed to work behind a bar, as bar staff, behind a till where I would have to sell alcohol or basically anything along those lines.
You seem to need to be qualified at a load of things just to work in a shop. You need to have years of experience in the job you're applying for before you apply for it. And parents just do not understand that you can no longer walk into a place and ask for a job and be given it there and then. Then the grandparents complain that at my age they had a job and then wherever I apply for a job is never the right place.
Why is it so hard to get a simple weekend job?!
That's my venting about jobs over and done with.
September 3rd, 2011 at 03:01pm