I'm not mean, I'm honest.

I just posted this to the kid sin my 5th grade music class:

"In 5th grade we had to do a report on a musician that we enjoyed, remember? I chose Sir Elton John, because even in 5th grade I knew what good music was. Meanwhile, you other people chose the 'rappers' of the year. Congratulations on making yourselves look like fools. For the report we also chose a song to play. I chose "Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Me," one of my personal E.J. favorites. You guys chose '50 Cent' singing about God knows what... I just don't understand how you can enjoy such crap. Anyway, for those of you who got up and left the room while I listened to the wonderful Elton John, screw you. My choice of music has made me slightly more intelligent. See, I listen to music that typically will deal with some kind of political view or has some debatable point about it, therefore I can ask questions about what something might mean and learn. You guys? You get to listen to somebody talk about drugs, crime, sex, and alcohol. What the heck?! I can't help but laugh in your faces. Oh well, 'Kiss the Bride' is playing through my speakers and boy, does it sound amazing.

P.S. I honestly couldn't care less about what anyone has to say about this, I probably already don't like whoever has something to say.


I just wanted to share it where intelligent people could respond.
September 4th, 2011 at 06:20am