F*ck You Mibba! And Layout Help (half rant)

I sat on my butt, frying my brain for three hours writing the first chapter of my story. When it's finally finished I go to publish, and BAMM! mibba logs me out. So now all the work I did is now gone and I can't get it back. I have to start all over again! I want to scream. All I can say is I am not writing it again tonight. Thanks mibba. (not really though)
So I also would like to know if someone can make me a layout for it. It's called The Diamonds and if you're interested leave me a comment and I'll message you about it. I'm asking because I honestly have no idea how the layout stuff works. It would be so cool if someone could make me one!
But right now I'm upset about the first chapter. There was no save button I could find so I wrote the whole thing. I'm pretty pissed off. If I ever found who made this site in real life, I'd like to flip them off then punch them in the face a few times.Anyway thanks for letting me rant a bit. Have a good one. Bye!
September 4th, 2011 at 08:03am