This homeless starting hitting on me.

About 15 minutes started hitting on me. He walked up to me like "Good Morning Gorgeous" I am like o.O Holy faack faack faack faack. I said "Morning." Very boredly. Even though I was freakin out. He keeps fambling about how 'fine' and 'gorgeous' I am. Honestly I am straight up ugly. Then he asks "Do you have a man?" Of course I said yeah. No way in hell I was going to say no. So I said even though that was a complete lie. I was afraid. Then he was like "So you do?" hen kept talking about something i don't know for like 5 mins. Then he finally left with his group of friends. They had crazy eyes so I was afraid. I am only 14. What 40 year old pycho hits on a kid? I live in a faacked up city. If there are typos in this its because im on a bus and i'm shaking. I just really need someone to tell this to and this is one of the options I had. Hell no I would put this on facebook. I am afraid of going back there. I am going to take a different route back home. I was so close to kicking that guy's ass. But he was grody and I didn't want to touch him.
September 4th, 2011 at 06:34pm