I want to see what your insides look like, I'll shoot up my viens with your blood.

Okay, I have an odd little thought swarming my brain.

I want to do a co-write. I dunno, I DON'T want to start it. No way jose.
But I want to like write with someone I don't know. You get me?

Shout out

Lady Tyrga
Loopy luin

And to all is all. I just am waiting for True Blood to go on again at 11 PM. Because my poor soul missed Eric and his sexy words.



Razors pain you, Rivers are damp, Acid stains you, Drugs cause cramp, Guns aren't lawful, Nooses give, Gas smells awful, Ya might as well live.

I don't have the courage to face reality so I get lost in my dreams.

I got hyped because people [Gasby] love my writing.
And therefore I reached mind fucking cool ness.

And I learned you can smoke tea.

Anything else you want to word through me.

Oh! And I read the epic shout out peoples stories. And I'll keep reading it and something special is gonna happen tommrow.....in a journal....for them.....

Or maybe a journal in a week. Until I read enough stuff.
September 5th, 2011 at 04:03am