ME ME EM ... i mean ME

(001) Your gender: Female
(002) Straight/Gay/Bi?: Straight
(003) Single: no, me and gerard are together... hahah na yeah im single
(004) Want to be?: a hospitaltiy chef
(005) Age: 15
(006) Age you wish you were: 100 so i could get a letter from the quen then i would seel drugs cause no one ever xpects the old ones
(007)The colour of your eyes: poop poop brown
(008) Piercings: YeAh just My eArS and tounge


(009) Smoke: not any more
(010) Read the newspaper: king andy page and the comic strips
(011) Talk to strangers: mummy said not to
(012) Take walks in the rain: summer showers yes
(013) Drive: so far no good
(014) Like to drive fast? no it scares me
(021) Hurt yourself: No...


(022) Been out of the country: YEs
(023) Been in love: only twice... (*v_v*)
(024) Done drugs: yes
(025) Gone skinny dipping: when i was like 6
(026) Had a surgery: yip, my appendix, on my finger and when i stuck a rubber in my earhole lol
(027) Ran away from home: many of times
(028) Played strip poker: yuk no
(029) Gotten beat up: yeh a few times
(030) Gone on stage: yeah at kids to kids with suzan paul
(031) Slept outdoors: hahahahah yes under a tapolin with myh sister amber
(032) Pulled an all-nighter: yepp awsum
(033) Talked on the phone all night? fuck no i hate talking on the phone
(034) Slept all day: yeah im a slob thats what i doo lol
(035) Killed someone: WaT!!! No! its not 2089 YET
(036) Made out with a stranger: ......not really
(037) Had sex with a stranger?: oh noo
(038) Kissed the same sex: just like my family (not sexually gross)
(039) Done anything sexual with the same sex? NaH!
(040) Been betrayed: who hasnt
(041) Broken the law: lol many of times
(042) Been on radio/tv: yes c4, yes ZM and the edge
(043) Been in a mosh-pit: yes, rock out
(044) Had a nervous breakdown: yeah much to my dismay
(045) Been criticized about your sexual performance: i dont see how
(051) Had a dream that kept coming back: no cause im an original lol hahaha
(052) Favourite shoe brand?: vans or etnies
(053) Favourite music: im down for what ever. "emo" musics the best
(054) Wear hats: no i look terrible
(055) Judged other people by their clothing: SumTiMEs YeAh But hOW Can YEw NoT SuM PpL JUSt dOnt Take prIDe in thEmself
(056) Are you trendy: i try not to be


(057) Life on other planets: I DonT wANt tew =( ScaRY!!
(058) Miracles: SUmTimes Yeahh
(059) Astrology: YeP!
(060) Magick: Yep!!!
(061) God: yes but not religion
(062) Love: yESsS
(063) Ghosts: YesS Ther scAry =(
(064) Rebirth: Yess
(065) Love at first sight: NoT RealLly BuT mAyBee
(067) Ying and Yang:never thought about it?
(068) Witches: yes
(069) Easter bunny: YESSS!!!!! =)


(070) Do you remember your first love: yes. at primary school until high school
(071) Do you consider love a mistake: sometimes
(072) What do you find romantic: a guy asking a girl out, roses, and saying something beautiful
(073) Turn-off: being shallow, orrr ummm changing my mind some how
(074) Do you base your judgment on looks alone: NoT ReaLly
(075) Have you ever been attracted to someone physically unattractive? lol more than once
(076) What is best thing about the opposite sex?: 2m 2mention
(077) What’s the last present someone got you? christmas present
(078) Do you like someone? umm yes, not that i will say cause im not sure completly


(079) Summer or winter? SumEr!!!
(080) Any holiday booked this year: bus ticket to gisborne!
(081) Who with? little girls if they are going to dads


(082) That you laughed at? stacey campbell lol
(083) That laughed at you: stacey campbell
(084) That turned you on: umm my self cause im so sthexxci
(085) You went shopping with: BIG SIS ...AMBIE
(086) To disappoint you: limewire company
(087) To make you cry: il never tell
(088) To brighten up your day: My bEST FreNd nIck aNd veRa AnD my boIFwEND!!!
(087) You saw a movie with: ummmm....pirates of the carrabien with stacey crystal sam and dru
(088) You talked to on the phone: AMBIE
(089) You talked to on text message: annaleigha
(090) Your best friends: joanne franz jackie tekani


(091) Smiled: JUSt noW HahAH
(092) Laughed: NoW HahA
(093) Cried: thursday
(095) Bought something: sunday night
(096) Danced: last night
(097) Sleepover: umm hannah pikes, dont remember the date
(098) Listened to music: now
(099) Slept with a teddy: UMM, friday night lol
July 2nd, 2007 at 10:04am