If Today was Fairy Tale....

If today was a fairy tale, and you were my prince, I’d ask my fairy godmother for a new one.

Sometimes, I wonder what it is I see in you. You never call, you never text, we do whatever you want, you tell me not to be me around my best friend, you tell me who I can talk to, and you expect me to be cool with it. Well, Heads up, I’m not.

This…whatever we have, isn’t working. I’m obviously not important to you. If I were important, you’d worry about me. You’d want to know what I was up to. You wouldn’t sit next to me after two weeks of silence and play some game on a phone when I OBVIOUSLY wanted to talk to you. Am I just some kind of pass time that you only think about when it suits you?

I remember when you were angry cuz I didn’t text or call you. I used to, I used to all the time but when I get no answers I stop caring. I used to wonder about what you were doing, who you were with, if you were having fun, if you had eaten well. The key words in there: “used to”. I don’t anymore. When I realized you no longer cared, I gave up. I’m done being the toy. I’m not some girl who waits around until you notice them. It’s over and you just don’t know. If you cared, you’d figure it out. It’s not that hard to see. Especially with all these new people around me.

You lost something that only few have ever had, and anyone can tell you that I’m not that bad. I’m not overly clingy, I don’t ask for much, just a little attention and love. I trusted you to not hurt me, and in the end I guess you didn’t because you let me down slowly until I expected absolutely nothing from you.

I hope one day you find someone who can take your shit, or at least be able to get more than a few days from you. It was fun, those few days we had, but now it’s over and there is nothing you can do.
September 5th, 2011 at 08:10am