Closed Minded People and Open Minded People can't Coexist.

Closed minded people piss me off. I am an extremely Open mined person. I don’t judge and I certainly don’t tell you that what you think is WRONG. I respect people. I respect what people think and believe whether it is what I believe or think or not. I like to learn about different cultures, religions, personality traits, and almost anything I don’t already know. I try to understand other people. Now you might ask why I’m telling you this.

My roommate is really closed minded.

She will judge people based solely on labels and a few observations. For Example: A group of Excited Football players pass. Her thought is “They are all annoying selfish jerks!”

Really? What did they do?

And She won’t accept to even want to understand other people. She was telling me about how this girl in our dorm meeting kept randomly rubbing the girl next to her’s back. Apparently that’s gross. And she kept saying stuff like I think it is SO GROSS when girls act all sexy like that and whatnot. I told her that obviously they didn’t mean it in any kind of sexual way. She told me she knew that but that it was still disgusting. I simply told her that lots of people do things like that and she should be a little more open minded. Apparently that’s trying to make her believe in that kind of stuff. She then had the audacity to tell me that her morals were better than mine. Mainly because she’s more christian.

Now, I wouldn’t say I’m the most christian person out there but I have those same morals. We OBVIOUSLY have different beliefs but not different morals.

I tried to tell her this and I couldn’t even intelligently argue my point because she wouldn’t even listen to the fact that Morals and Beliefs are two different things.

Closed minded people are childish. It’s their way or no way. It’s their Right or Wrong. They don’t even want to think about it from another perspective or even TRY to understand it.

Now, I respect what she thinks and believes but it pisses me off that she thinks she is better than me and she knows so much more. Also when she talks to me she is trying to push her beliefs on me as well. I can only take so much of people telling me that what I think, believe, and understand is wrong.

It’s only been two weeks. God help me not blow up at this girl and hurt her little feelings.
September 5th, 2011 at 08:17am