A break from Mibba, and a little about my current life. Perhaps kind of a rant.

I really haven't been online much... Actually, I am taking down my story, A Faerie Tale... I am becoming very private about it, and unwilling to keep posting it for the world to see..... I can't even come on Mibba on a computer. I come from my iPod, which is seriously outdated.... I feel Mibba and I need a break. I am not deleting my account, but I may not be posting for quite a while. Perhaps the occasional journal, or story read, but not too much will be happening with me.

Well, I am quite over my last relationship, thankfully. It was awful and poisonous, and I was pretty much treated like utter crap. Now, I feel happy, free, and lighter. :) Never again will I let anyone manipulate me and control me. I have too much self-respect for that.

Actually, I am in a new relationship. It's been a fair amount of time since my break up, and this guy... Wow... He's unlike anyone I've ever met.... We kind of hated eachother when we first met. He's my best friend's friend, and I wanted to give him a fair chance, but he was very douche-like. I kind of wrote him off, until a couple weeks ago... He was extremely apologetic, and... Well, charming. I've never had someone try so hard to prove that he was good enough for me. He absolutely refused to give up, and I normally would not have said yes, but I was.... I don't even know how to explain it. I couldn't stop thinking about him, and... I felt like a little girl with a crush. Let me tell you, saying yes was one of the best decisions I've made in a very long time. He lives in my old town, but we still see eachother occasionally, and when we do, it's so... Incredible. He's incredible. Although a bit erratic, he's exactly what I want in someone. I finally am in a relationship where I am not putting forth all of the effort, and I couldn't be more thrilled. Oh, and I stole his bracelet. >:) hahaha. It's a silver chain that I can scarcely stop looking at. It all sounds so cliche, but I don't even care at this point. :D

So, if anyone read through me gushing about my boyfriend, I applaud you. hahaha. I'm lame.
September 5th, 2011 at 09:47pm