I am so tempted to delete this story and start over. Rant. Ignore if you wish.

Soulseeker has been my new baby for a few weeks now, but I feel like just getting rid of it and starting over at this point. Or maybe just getting rid of it, period, and posting it somewhere else.

Do people not skim over previous comments before commenting on a story for themselves? I feel like that should be a natural reaction, or maybe that's just me. But seriously, after the third comment saying that this story sounds like Final Destination, don't you think I get the f*cking message already?

And no, believe it or not, it's nothing like Final Destination:

1. I've never seen any of the films, and I had to Google the summary after the fourth comment saying it sounded like FD.
2. Death isn't out there to f*ck sh*t up or kill b*tches or exact revenge on the living.
3. Derek doesn't have premonitions about people about to die - he sees celestial light.
4. Death isn't who you think he is. At all.
5. There aren't any freak accidents like plane explosions or roller coasters running amok.
6. Derek's future is nothing like any of those *ssholes in the movies. It runs much deeper than you realize.
7. Did I mention that this is just nothing like f*cking Final Destination?
8. There are only 2 chapters posted, out of 10. How can you already tell or judge where a story is going if there's only 2 chapters of setup and nothing's really happened yet?

I feel like journal etiquette should translate over to the story comments. You know how if a Mibbian makes a mistake in the journals (i.e. incorrect grammar, uncensored cursing) and someone points it out, it's usually a given that the Mibbian saw their mistake and there's no need for others to repeat what's already been said? Why can't people do that in story comments? Writers usually read their story comments, so I think after the first or second piece of advice that repeats itself, they'd get the hint. Unless they're stupid. But who wouldn't want to fix their story for the better?

What's worse is I can't further elaborate how Soulseeker differs from Final Destination without giving away key plot points and twists. So you'll just have to take my word for it.

I f*cking swear on my life, the story is nothing like Final Destination. Don't believe me? You can shut the hell up and wait for the next couple of updates before you see what I'm talking about.

I honestly just feel like deleting it to get rid of all those comments. Seeing them just infuriates me. It didn't at first, but after a while, it's really tiresome.

Sorry for the rant Mibba. I really am. I just can't seem to win, no matter how many disclaimers and promises and author's notes I make.

September 5th, 2011 at 10:02pm