A guy SHOULD NOT!! have to pay on the 1st date...

Now, dont get me wrong, a guy should have to pay, but only if he is finacially stable and not in the dang 10 th grade. I mean come on. I do not believe that if you are in the 10th grade or lower you should be paying for dates. You dont have a job, and we know that the most likely way you gone get money is from your parents. And especially if your mama is a single parent, with 4 other mouths to feed, thats a bit much. Dont ya think? So dont be mad at me cause i told my date he dont have to pay for me, because he dont have a job and i know that his mother already does a lot being that she is a single parent. So to my step mom and step grandma, shut the hell up..i aint stupid. Im just not a gold digger. And unlike you, selfish witches, i actually think about people and what they are going through. Talking about im desperate for a date. I aint desperate because i said he aint gotta pay. I'm just considerate of what he and his mom have to go through. But know that if we were older, he would be paying. Not now!
September 6th, 2011 at 12:34pm