Ehh, I was thinking of doing a contest...[+other ramblings]

I was thinking about it at like 4 this morning, and my 4 in the morning self thought it was pretty epic.

But 10:15 in the morning self doesn't think so much... D:

I know there's a lot of the write a one shot based off a song and all that stuff, and I seriously doubt anyone would do it.

There wouldn't be a certain theme or anything like that. Just pick a song and write a one or two shot based off of it. I've done it before.

I haven't actually thought about it all the way through, and I still might do it.
I don't know yet. -_-


MY morning has been very unproductive so far. I ate a bowl of Frosted Flakes.
And that's about as interesting as it gets haha.
I still have tons of chores to do also. -_-
I'm a lazy person though.


So the past two days have been spent inside because we got blasted with some mega storms. The wind was gusting at about 70 mph, and it was raining like crazy.
Needless to say it's all over now, and it's all bright and sunny and nice outside.

I think I'll stop typing now. :D
September 6th, 2011 at 05:21pm