This is what my BFF wrote for my Tyler Seguin story when I gave her my computer...not my best idea

So I let my best friend Cassie write a bit when I was working on chapter 9 of my Tyler Seguin story. Here's what she came up with:

"Get out of here, douche bag!!" Em exploded. "I don't want you in my apartment, and she didn't know what the hell she was thinking!!" I could hear her foot stamping on the floor a few times as she spoke. "Why are you here, anyway?"
Tyler spoke too softly for me to hear what his response was. Em, on the other hand, was yelling so loudly she could've woken up the neighbours living down the hall. She just kept going and going and going, I was beginning to think that her rant would never end. I was counting how many times she called Tyler a douche bag or a prick, but I stopped counting at about eight. It was about ten minutes into her lecture that I began to zone out. I thought about what really happened this morning, and why fate brought me and Tyler together. I knew he was the one for me. I loved him a much as I loved toasted bagels with peanut butter. Aw yeah, that's the stuff. Then i heard a crash; it was Tyler! Em punched his face and now his skull was wide open and blood gushing everywhere! I didn't know Em could punch that hard...WAIT! TYLER! I gave him CPR until I realized that it wouldn't help. My Ty-Ty was dead. My life was over.
"Well, serves the douche bag right," Em said. "Good riddance."
"Fuck you, Em," I replied, still grieving over the loss of the father of my unborn child.
I decided to name my future son Tyler, after my deceased fiance. I then felt a sharp pain in my abdomen; I was in labor! 23 hours later, my daughter was born. I named her Emelle, after Em because she taught me that with death, came love.
27 years later, Emelle contacted me for the first time in what seemed like forever. My baby girl was 27 now and still lived with me, but still managed to never look at or talk to me. Her first word to me was, "Shut," followed by an, "-up, Bitch." I miss her father now more than ever; I have yet to take a new husband, His memory is pressed permanently into my brain, forever and always.

By (partially) Cassie"
September 7th, 2011 at 02:13am