Am i ugly because im black?

I am so sick and tired of this. Being discriminated against for my skin color. Just because im a dark-skinned female. Like do all the males expect us women to be a lighter shade because that it was you deem acceptable. and dont tell me that not all boys are like that because you havent been in my shoes. Grew up in my neighborhood and heard the words ugly many times because of my skin color. And half the boys i do know would rather a girl be light-skinned than dark skinned. Like people actually have the choice to pick their skin color. and the sad part about all this is that most of the discrimination comes from the african americans! Suprising right. For a person of the same race you are to look at you and say that you are ugly because of your skin color. It hurts. And dont tell me that there are stars that are dark skinned because they arent my skin color. And if they are, they are covered with so much makeup that you shole cant tell. I mean its not fair that im treated rudely because of the skin im in.
September 7th, 2011 at 02:32am