Unboxing of Claire

I received my paperback proof copy of Claire in the mail today. I saw the UPS guy out the window and RAN to the door. I couldn't sign my name fast enough. ^_^


Here it is in all it's glory, and I have to say I've been squealing in delight for over an hour. I've showed everyone. It's beautiful, perfect, and I feel like I'm walking on air.

It's very good quality as well, sturdy cover and thick pages. Amazon should be carrying the new version in about a week. *Squee!*

I have an account with createspace.com, which is linked to amazon.com, and I highly recommend it to any of my fellow writers that want to try self publishing.

I have a link to Claire on createspace if anyone wants to check it out: https://www.createspace.com/3377219
September 7th, 2011 at 07:39pm