Discussion: What do you believe?

I understand this can be a sensitive topic, so please be respectful and all that jazz. I've never had a problem with Mibbians (mibbaites? mibblers?) Enough inventing words, let's start the discussion.

I think everyone believes in something. What the belief is just depends on the person and a variety of other factors, such as family and persona experiences.

Personally, I believe in reincarnation. When people die, their souls continue on as a newborn baby being born somewhere in the world. It explains how people have traits that come from seemingly nowhere or how everyone I know seems to have some unique knowledge/talent which they didn't study or anything. It can even explain certain passions for something.

The dreamy romantic in me wants to say maybe souls really are connected for eternity and you will eventually meet the new person who carries your soul, but I'm not sure I believe that 100% or if it's just something I want to believe.

I believed in this before I heard this story, but it just reenforces my belief.

When my oldest sister was 2, she would tell this story to my mom, who continues to write it off as babble. She said she was from Russian and she was playing along a road (which didn't have a sidewalk, just the grass). She was playing with skipping rope, when a car hit her and she was killed.

Um, kind of morbid for a 2 year old to be babbling about, isn't it?

Now, it is possible Lindsay just heard a story somewhere of somebody being killed by a car, but to get so specific about it at two? And I think if it had closely resembled any news stories, my mom would have just written it off as repeatition and not remembed it 19 years later when I asked about weird memories from our childhood.

So, I think souls transfer bodies when people die and they just continue an endless loop.

I'm not quite sure how angels work into my belief, because I also believe in them. It could be a number of possibilities.

Enough about me. What do you believe?

Do you believe in God? Do you believe in karma? Do you believe in the power of humanity?

It can be anything, anything at all. It can even be silly, if you want. I'm just curious about the differences in people. =)and I have nothing to do before my concert starts at 7.
September 7th, 2011 at 10:57pm