Cassies 2nd chapter of the Tyler Seguin story (I should stop giving her my computer)

"But doesn't she have a say in this, too? "Tyler was quick to argue. "I'm her boyfriend, not yours. This is her apartment, not yours, even if you do stay here."
"This IS my place!!" Em screamed. "I sleep here, I eat here, I fucking live here!" My jaw dropped to the floor at her response. She didn't help pay the rent, and she didn't even make her own bed! I let her stay here whenever she wanted, but that was only because she was the only one that could help me. But I'm sick of her just crashing here and then telling me that I'm taking her for granted. Hell, she didn't ever buy groceries, but she helped herself to all the food she could take.
"Emmalee, this is NOT your apartment, it's mine! You don't clean, you don't cook, and you don't even help pay! You can't tell me that I'm the one taking advantage of you, because you walk into my apartment uninvited and sit on my sofa and watch TV. You crash here when you're too drunk to get up, and you eat everything that's in my kitchen. Now you can't tell Tyler that he can't come here because he is not your boyfriend, and this is not your house!"
Then anger really erupted; Em threw the lamp at Tyler's head. Then the memory came back to him that I was a Playboy bunny when I was 18. I hit him on the head when he found out so he wouldn't remember. Then he flew himself at me out of excitement. We then spent the night together, in Em's bed to piss her off. When we woke up, we did it several more times; I was shocked Tyler lasted so long so many times. Two weeks later, I bought a three-pack of pregnancy tests. They all proved positive. When I told Tyler my news, he tried to kill me. Apparently, he didn't want a baby. We were so frustrated with each other that we didn't have sex for nearly an hour (the longest time we've stayed away from each other) and ended up caving in. That's when he got me pregnant with ANOTHER baby! I warily told him the news and he took me to The Grand Canyon to 'celebrate.' He pushed me off the tallest cliff he could find. I pulled him down with me and we had sex while falling down (it took us 5 minutes to fall down). Then I found out that he got me pregnant with a THIRD baby! All from different times. I never knew that was possible. Then I aborted them so I could keep my figure. Halfway through, I changed my mind had had them put back in. That's when i woke up.
September 9th, 2011 at 02:00am