I am a Christian and bisexual...

lately I have been struggling with the fact that I go to church nearly every Sunday, rejoice in the Lord's name, and try my hardest to glorify His name. yet at the same time I have a girlfriend. I love her to death, there's no question there, but I have people ridiculing me because of the fact that I consider myself Christian and have a girlfriend. so I read the bible. Leviticus 18:22 says "you shall not lie with a male as with a women" Leviticus 20:13 says "If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death; their blood is upon them. Romans 1:26-27 says "for this reason God gave them up to degrading passions. their women exchanged natural intercourse for unnatural, and in the same way also men, giving up natural intercourse with women, were consumed with passion for one another. Men committed shameless acts with men and recievec in their own persons the due persons the due penalty for their error" Galations 19 talks about the killing of two cities of gay men. and Genesis 2:24 says "therefor a man leaves his father and his mother and clings to his wife, and they become one flesh"
most of the verses talk about gay men or what we should do. never really stating that a women can't lay with another women. it's just frustrating, because on top of it all, my friends youth leader and aunty say that its just my way of dealing with the abuse I received from my cousin as a young child. but for me it's hard to say cuz I didn't just wake up one morning and decide oh hey I'm going to be bisexual from now on. I just kinda noticed that in shopping malls or crowds I'd look at girls the way I did guys. I'm just like really overwhelmed with it all right now, so I wanted to get some input or thoughts from someone who can maybe relate....
September 9th, 2011 at 05:39am