Boy Drama

Okay, so at the moment, I am torn between three guys. Jorge, Jonathan, and Bryan.
So I have had a crush on Jorge for about 2 years now. I met him in school. For the last 3 grades, we would always be put close to each other in classes, so we would always talk. Last year, I actually thought I loved him. I found out some things about him that changed my way of thinking. I tried to get over him, but I failed. I like him less than last year, but my heart still lights up when he talks to me or smiles at me. I have him for two classes and in the first one, we don't really talk, but in the other one, we almost sit next to each other. I feel like he ignores me, like he faces the other way and avoids me as best as he can. Sometimes we talk, but just brief conversations, not like we used to. When he's avoiding me, I can't help but keep looking at him and examining him. I see his foot slightly pointed towards my direction and I am tempted to put my foot on his. I want to talk to him forever and I want us to be like before. I also want the old him back, he has changed so much and not in a good way.

Jonathan is a different story. He is my mom's friend's son. Sometimes our families do things together and we talk. There has been times when we talked for hours. He's very respectful and responsible, he's just so mature, it's shocking. When I talk to him, we usually argue, but we both have huge grins plastered on our faces. He asked me if I wanted to go to the movies with him, his friend, and his friend's GF once. Double Date isn't it? When I'm with him and we're talking, I feel like I don't want that moment to end, like we could be the only two people in the world and it would be perfectly fine. Yet, when I'm not with him, I don't think about him much and compared to the other two guys, I probably like him the least, if I actually do like him. When I'm actually thinking, I think I would like him as just a friend, yet he's perfect BF material and I'm sure he likes me, so I'm confused. I've heard more than once that he likes me by people who observe us. They can tell right away, he doesn't tell him. Some also say I like him, but that's what I myself am trying to figure out.

What do you think? Which one of them likes me? Which one of them do I like? Who would I be better off with? Please help, I am really confused!!!

Bryan. Well, I always knew who he was in school, but we actually started talking this year, because now we have classes together. In Algebra, we sit next to each other. We talk and we're always laughing. We shared a "moment" once, where we just stared at each other unconsciously. I've only started to talk to him since this school year, which is barely three weeks in, and I already like him. My BFF, who sits behind me in Algebra, says it's totally obvious that we're flirting with each other. Yesterday and today in school, while we were in HR (which is the exact same as Algebra class), he put his finger on my knee and I would grab his hand and put it away. I did it for the hand contact. He also randomly asked for a High Five. Also, this girl was asking if his hand was soft, because she thought it was, and I was feeling his hand. He would also try to hit a spot in my knee to make my leg bounce up, and he would also hit it twice(not hard of course) and then put his fingers in a bunch on my knee and spread his fingers across my knee. Nothing to say, "Oh, what a pervert," more like he wanted to have contact with me. Today in my last class though. I overheard that same girl that asked me if his hand was soft, talking to her friend, and she was telling her about what Bryan did to her, like hand touching also, in that same HR class. Her friend said he liked her 99.9%, basing by what she was telling her. I felt a pang of pain hit my stomach. Just the day before I would light up and get a warm feeling in my chest when I said his name, and now all I could think was that he was playing me. I;m not stupid, I had realized he flirted with her the same way he did with me, but I pushed away the though that he liked her. Does he like both of us?
September 10th, 2011 at 07:43am