Why being a girl sucks more than being a guy:

JUST KIDDING. I know it's not "fair" to say something like that ^ because I don't know the first thing about being a guy.But I would have a lot of fun having a penis for a day. But I'm just doing a lot of b*tching and moaning right now, and reason numero uno is because I'm bleeding.

Last night, I stayed at this crappy hotel with Alex because we didn't feel like driving home from the Within Temptation concert. I woke up with my back hurting like a mother because of those damn beds... And also, to find out I have my period.

Alex was just so good to me. I wasn't supposed to get my period but I f*cked up on the pill, so it's kind of been dskjghdskjhg lately. And...I wasn't prepared. I couldn't go out. Alex didn't want to go out, but he did. I told him I'd give him money if he just ran across the street to the CVS, but no. Instead, he asked the man at the front desk for tampons.

I can only imagine how that went over. But he somehow got me some and I'm in forever debt to Alex.

Anyway, I'm in so much pain right now. On top of being sick, that is.

On the bright side, I'm getting my tattoo sketched today before I go into work. Maybe, maybe if I'm feeling like it, I'll post a picture. But I doubt I will until it's actually on me. :p I want it to be a surprise.

Oh yeah. this is Alex's tattoo that I said something about last night in one of my journals.

Byebye. <3
September 10th, 2011 at 06:22pm