Trust Doesn’t Always Take Away The Worry.

So, I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed.

I just want to say that I trust my boyfriend. That being said, I let him (without complaint) go to Monroe (about an hour and a half away) with an old friend of his that he hadn’t seen in like a year. Well, this old friend is a girl (like most of his friends) and even though I’d never met her and only knew her name (again like most of his friends), it didn’t particularly bother me that they went alone and were going to be spending the night. Since he had plans, I made plans with one of my friends so I had something interesting to do on a Friday night. Well, she picked me up and we went to get her tattoo and watch some of her other friends get some as well. Well, she was talking about getting sloppy drunk and having fun and wanted to know if I wanted to join her. I, of course, did want to and told her that fate just didn’t like my boyfriend (who’d been trying to drink with me for a while now). She asked why and I told her.

“He’s gone to Monroe with his friend, Laura.”

“He went with a girl and you aren’t worried?”

I shook my head, “No, I trust him.”

“What’s her name?”

“Laura Trainer”

“Laura Trainer? I’d be worried if I were you.”

Confused I asked why.

“Laura Trainer is one of the biggest sl*ts in Deville.”

Aghast, I didn’t believe her. Mostly because I didn’t want to believe my boyfriend was spending hours alone with a sl*t that could very well seduce him.

Well, then we did what most girls do: We got on FaceBook. I went on his profile and clicked on the only Laura he was friends with and showed it to my friend. FML it was her.

Well then, I did what any worried girlfriend would do. I texted him, nothing too over the top, just something to get him to reply. Well, he replied to me for a little while. I asked if he was having fun.

His reply: “Mmm I suppose.”

What did that mean? Usually when I ask him that I get a straight answer but that? Well, it was weird.

So I asked what he was doing. I never got a reply. After an hour or so I texted a frown. Why wasn’t he texting me? I kind of brushed it off. I kept telling myself he just isn’t looking at his phone.

Well, it turns out, that I didn’t go get sloppy drunk. My friend was tired after we finished with the tattooing and eating so she just brought me back to the dorms. It was around 2am and he still hadn’t replied to my earlier text. Still a little uneasy, I told myself he’d text me by morning since he always checked his phone before going to bed.

Last night I had the most horrible dreams EVER. I dreamt that they were having s*x. I dreamt that he was cheating on me with this girl. At first in my dreams he would tell her no but after a little persuasion all thoughts of me were gone.

I woke up very upset about this dream, but it was only like 4 am so I went back to bed hoping I wouldn’t dream at all.

This time, it started off nice. We were sitting at my house on the couch. He started kissing me and at first I kissed back but then he wouldn’t stop. Before I knew it he was trying to have s*x with me. I kept telling him no. After rejecting him a few times, he gets up and says “Fine, I’ll just go elsewhere.” He walked out of the room into my room. I followed him to try and reason with him but the moment I stepped into my room I saw him and her having wild monkey s*x on my bed.

This time I woke up crying and I woke up for good. There is still no text from him. I called and got no answer. He’s probably asleep. I really really really hate this. All I can do is wait. Wait and hope. I don’t know when he planned on coming back, or anything. This is driving me insane.

(Btw I didn't really use the girl's name to keep her identity confidential)
September 10th, 2011 at 08:25pm