Poems, Adam Levine, Knees, Phones, and Bugs.

Dearest Lovelies,
I have been entered into the semi-finals for the poetry contest! I found out this morning, when I got an envolope from Utah. Mhmm. Utah. I opened it up and squealed when it said, "Congrats!". Now all I have to do is fill out a personal information thingy on it and send it back to them. My poem is going to be featured in a poetry book called, " Stars in our Hearts". Really awesome! And if I do win this, I can get up to a thousand dollars of grand prizes. And a certificate. Yay.
Alright, that was exciting and great to tell someone. On another note, I'm obsessed with Maroon 5 at the moment. I can't help it. You know you want Adam's body. I've been singing "Misery" for that past three days straight. I'm mentally dating him, so back off. Ha.
My first hockey practice is on Wednesday, which is freakin' amazing. I'm giddy and all shakey. I'm just hoping that I don't crush my knees again. That's a good story. So I'm at a free skate thing, and Party Rock Anthem came on, I started skating around and jumped... Yeah. I'm a moron. But anyways, I fell on both my knees. I couldn't get up myself and had to have some one get me off the ice. I got off, and sat in a chair and looked at my knees to inspect them. All I could say was "ouch" and "ew". Both were bruised immediately. My knee caps were spotted with blood, turning a dark red and blue. Once my mom saw that, she flipped and said no more skating for me. Hah. Well I snuck out for a couple minutes before the free skate was over. But I didn't last long until I had tears sneaking out of the corners of my eyes. It's been a week, and the bruises are getting darker. My right knee is swollen still, and the cap is bruised. The left knee is swollen as well, but the bottom is bruised badly instead. But all in all, I can walk and run... like a freaking gimp.
Mmm, another note. I got a new phone. Cool, right? It's an LG EnV Touch. I love it. Old, but still. It works better than my previous phone. Which sucked monkey balls.
And a random note. I have a bug bite. Which is really itchy.
I'm done here.
September 11th, 2011 at 07:13am